Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Don't Miss the Fall Bridal Academy Session

Don’t miss tomorrow Bridal Academy session. The fall session is tomorrow, October 21, 2010. This session holds some great topics for Fort Wayne brides.

Please join us at Bridal Academy
 “Strike a Pose–Photos for Your Wedding” with guest speaker: Dave Evans of Picture Perfect Photography

 “Beautiful Flowers in Your Wedding” from guest speaker: Kari Geary of Lillian Rose Flowers

 “Invitations Set the Tone of Your Wedding” with sponsor: Sara Keltsch of the Monogram Shoppe

 “Creating the Soundtrack of Your Wedding” from sponsor: June Hoffman of Megasound

We hope that you get a chance to join us at the fall session of Bridal Academy. The session is from 7pm – 8pm with the registration at 6:45pm. This event will be held at the Monogram Shoppe in Covington Plaza (6410 West Jefferson Blvd Fort Wayne, IN). We’ll have light refreshments and a Q&A time at the end of the event. We’ll have goodie bags for each registered bride. Brides planning their wedding may also bring a guest.

P.S. FOUR LUCKY brides will each win a “Brides Survival” tote.

This Bridal Academy session still has complimentary admission, but space is limited. Please call 260-402-1533 (or email today to save your seats for this exciting wedding planning opportunity!!

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